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Monday, 26 September 2011


Don Brash, the coup-leader of the ACT Party, has created a punster's paradise by coming out and brashly saying that he supports the decriminalisation of marijuana. John Banks, who was standing for the Epsom seat, later came out strongly against what the Beloved Leader had opined. By nice coincidence that happened at the same time as banks round the globe were struggling to prevent a global debt crisis. That had double application, because Don Brash was in charge of New Zealand's Reserve Bank before he switched to politics.

Brash ACT = bad act.
Brash leader of the ACT Potty.
Potty head.
Pot  head of Potty Party.
Brash ACT = comedy skit.
Brash = comedy skite. 
Brash gives comedy skit by putting pot on head.
Don Pot tilts at windmills.
Donning a  pot.
Brash reveals bad potty training.
Brash fires loose pot.
'Weed  dump anti-pot law,' says potty head.
Nothing but a big ACT.
Don puffs ACT into dreamland.
Marijuana oblivion for Don.
All smoke and no fire. 
Brash cannabilises ACT.
A bud too far.
ACT's little buddy.
ACT--from a Hide to a high.
Banks struggle to stave off D fault.
Glib foulup crisis envelops Banks.
Don's pot protrudes in comedy ACT.
Epsom salts drain the Brash pot.
Dopey Don hashes his ACT.
Let's be the Land of the Long White Smoke, says Don.
('Buds' according to a news report is a slang term for cannabis.)

<a href="http://www.nzherald.co.nz/politics/news/article.cfm?c_id=280&objectid=10754787">Brian Rudman's take on it in the New Zealand Herald</a> makes rich reading. The <a href="http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10754589">Herald's editorial</a> also questioned Dr Brash's strange behaviour. So did another Herald columnist, <a href="http://www.nzherald.co.nz/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=466&objectid=10755088">Garth George.</a>