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Sunday, 29 April 2012


The lieder of the vanishingly-small big-act party, John Banks, has been accused of being a song way off key with 50,000 cracked notes and laughing (anonymously) all the way to the bank. The New Zealand Herald reports that he broke the law by not declaring the donor of a $50,000 donation to his unsuccessful 2010 campaign for the Auckland mayoralty. The Prime Minister, John Key, is happy with Banks' hymnsheet, or attempt at lieder, or lie-duh, or spin, or explanation, or story, or act, or beat-down, or absolute straight truth, or whatever it is.

The shonky deal National did with ACT and Banks to hand him the Epsom seat in its attempt to fiddle MMP and so get more than one seat on its side of Parliament, after which he became the ACT leader, now looks as if was just the overture to the next act in yet another shonky Kiwi opera.

Time will tell. As the old saying says: 'Truth will out.'

Banks says 'it will all come out in the wash.' What colour will the water be?

So far, not crystal clear. National Business Review pulled together much of the media torrent.

And added more the next day.

The editor of the Gisborne Herald had this to say about it..